This test certifies that the taker has fundamental knowledge of the Bulgarian language. It is based on tasks connected with reading and grammar. A success on this test shows that the taker has the necessary capabilities to use the language in everyday situations. The score is based on 25 tasks (phonetics, morphology, lexicology). It is designed to incite the development of language skills in takers.
Multiple-choice questions (Each question has only one correct answer)
1. The tests require JavaScript enabled. If you do not have JavaScript enabled you would not be able to do any of the tests.
2. The questions come one at a time and you have to click on Next to start the next question. Once you click on Next, you cannot go back to the previous question.
3. If you try to open a different program on your OS while the test is running or you try to open a different browser window or tab your test will submit automatically and you will get a score for the answers you have done up to that moment and you would not be able to repeat the test for another 2 weeks.
4. Cheating is not allowed. Neither is submitting the questions/answers online. Users who do that will be banned from the site permanently and there would be appropriate actions taken.
5. You can repeat the same test once per 2 weeks!
To add a test, we ask you to send the following things in any way you want (it could be a text file such as .docx or even plain-text like .txt)
We will review your test suggestion and if we accept it it will be published. Your name and titles will be shown when users view the tests and they will be included in the certificates users receive.
Sometimes we provide a small remuneration depending on the number of users that have attempted your test.
You can send your tests to Ivan (at) Dimoff . biz